Ben's take on gadgets, technology... life

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A swarm of over 40 Smart cars invaded Penang!

Yes, the unofficial Smart club of Malaysia - actually; more like the first Smart club in Malaysia known as Smart Gang Malaysia recently celebrated it's first anniversary in Penang. We had about 40 Smart cars of various types, the fortwos, the forfours and the roadsters. There were competitions involving the cars such as driving around with a cup filled with water - the team with the most water left in the car wins! (see pic below).

The main highlight of the event was the convoy. Imagine, 40 Smart cars, lined up in a line and did a round island tour. We were escorted by Police and Superbikers, all traffic lights disappeared that day - it was one heck of a run!

Naturally, I was part of the action... how can I miss a SMART car event? :)

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