Ben's take on gadgets, technology... life

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Gmail Mobile - Oooh.. I LOVE...

Wazzup! So what happened this week in general? First, Nina one of my colleagues at Fly got sick, then one of our audio engineers go sick, then I got sick. It was a sickly week. I have a strange feeling this flu bug is galavanting around - making many people sick. There were people sneezing and coughing wherever I went, in the train, in the cinema, at the restaurant... all I can say is LOAD YOUR BODY UP with Vitamin C; and I don't mean eating oranges all day long, go get those tablet / capsule / efferverscent type. It will keep you nice and happy. The virus looks at it like 'garlic' for vampires :).

That aside, I've got to talk tech again. By now, everyone should know what Gmail is. If not, which part of the tempurung have you been hiding under? Gmail, in my humble opinion is the BEST web mail service in the world developed by the infamous search engine - Google! It will be the only e-mail account you'll ever need. Google's motto for Gmail is that you'll never ever EVER need to delete your mails thanks to the increasing storage space. Believe it or night, even as I'm typing this blog or as you are reading this blog, the storage space for every Gmail user is increasing. In short, you'll never run out of space! Want an account? Logon to

Enough of all the talk about Gmail - the whole idea is to talk about something I found that would compliment existing Gmail users. If you have a Gmail account and a mobile phone, you'll LOVE this. Why mobile phone? That's because Gmail has gone MOBILE. Yes, imagine, searching your Gmail account, sending out e-mails, receiving mails, going through your list of Gmail contacts through your mobile phone. In case you are wondering, I'm not talking about "" where you can access Gmail through the WAP browser on your phone. I'm talking about a REAL LIFE application. Something you can download and install into your phone. This little application for your mobile phone is SO fast, simple and efficient that you wouldn't believe it.

Want to try it out? Just flick out your handphone, go to the wap browser - go to "", click the download link and ENJOY.

Till my next blog update, have a jolly week!


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