Ben's take on gadgets, technology... life

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Looks like 'touching'... is the way to go...

It's unbelievable... a friend of mine just sent me a link to this video that showcases the latest Series 60 operating system - 'touch'. If it sounds familiar, YES touch is a word used in Apple's latest phone, the iPhone... 'touch' is also the word used in Apple's flagship iPod mp3 player - the iPod Touch...

Series 60 is by far one of the most popular choice of operating systems around - used by many manufacturers such as Nokia, Sony Ericsson (if I'm not mistaken) and many others...

So how touch is touch? Is it similar to Apple's iPod Touch or iPhone interface? I cannot nod enough... check this video out...

All I can say is bring on the devices! We're gonna see manufacturers such as Nokia with beautiful touch interfaces that are VERY VERY VERY similar to Apple's - and finally, Apple will have a rival... but could it really be a strong competitor? Only time will tell...

Estimated release of products with Series 60 touch interface? - From my sources from a far far away land - early to mid 2008. In the mean time, Apple reigns...


2:37 PM Unknown said...

not launch yet right? no sign of it?

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