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The killer of Halloween & -15 degrees in Kuala Lumpur

Friday was Halloween and possibly the sickest thing came before my eyes…

To be REALLY honest, I was terrified, petrified, sickified and whatever fied have you – this THING was scary. It had blood splatter all over the apron, the face looked as though it was made out of FRIED SKIN, the face was painted BLACK (and no, I'm not trying to be a colour-ist here) – and if that's not enough, it's got rubber gloves, a strange walk and voice… NOT exactly the coolest looking thing on the face of this planet.

It turned out to be Moe Nasrul – yes, the dude who goes on air telling you about traffic conditions on the station. This man really went all out to get the who make up done. Apparently it was black face paint and he got some form of wax to create his mask…

Okay, enough of Halloween costumes and such – so on Halloween night, I decided not to freak myself out no more – so I headed to the Curve to checkout the Ice Bar… the place was AWESOME! Freaking -15 degrees in the heart of Petaling Jaya – and trust me, you won't be able to last 1 minute in there without a jacket – my ears were freezing, so were my cheeks (and I'm talking about my face cheeks – the other one was well padded) – it came to a point where it started HURTING!

Then of course there were the drinks, it was served in LITERAL ICE CUPS! Since it was -15 in there, nothing made out of ice would melt… and so the cups lasted as long as we were in there… Great experience but I wouldn't stay any longer than 10 minutes in there – now I know how it feels to be in the North Pole! I feel so blessed to be living in a country with such 'BEAUTIFUL' weather… it could be super warm at times but it sure beats the cold that would freeze and hurt your cheeks!


11:10 PM Moe Nasrul said...

lol attack of leatherface :P glad you got scared by the costume :D

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