Ben's take on gadgets, technology... life

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The bed which wobbled

It's 12 midnight, and there I was lazing on the bed with Stella in one of the rooms on the 12th floor of the Theme Park Hotel, Genting Highlands.

We were just watching a documentary about Angels - individual experiences and the way the scientific world would explain it.

A little past 12 midnight and there was a commercial break. I started noticing a wobble from the bed. At first, I thought to myself, it could just be Stella. Seconds later, Stella asked me "why are you shaking the bed?". It was then that I realize this was not us but could be one of 2 things.

1. There's an earthquake which is later followed by a tsunami (similar to what I felt in Cameron Highlands)
2. Stella and I are experiencing a supernatural phenomenon

Stella stood up and immediately prepared herself for evacuation while I called up the Lobby and asked if it was an earthquake. The receptionist told me that I was the first person to call and they didn't feel anything at the lobby. Instead, she sent a hotel staff to our room to check if everything was alright...

Within minutes, everything was fine... there was no more wobbling. As I didn't have my notebook with me, to confirm if it was an earthquake, I decided to logon through WAP on my mobile and see if there was any news online. The result? Nothing.

We went to bed and the rest of the night was just peaceful. It's 10am and there it was, a fresh copy of the News Straits Times sent to my room. I quickly glanced through the pages and saw nothing of an earthquake.

I switched on the TV and there it was, reports of an earthquake near the Sumatra island.

Finally, it was confirmed, it was an earthquake and not a supernatural phenomenon... :)


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