After the questions, I headed over to my sister's notebook. The moment I got it started, it (OS X) began to load the startup applications - one of which was MSN Messenger for Mac. It got loaded but for some strange reason, it insisted on not connecting to the MSN Messenger network. Her iBook has been giving erratic WiFi problems. As such, I attributed the issue to her wireless connectivity.
I then returned to my room, turned on my notebook, pumped up MSN Messenger and true enough I got this message:
There are only two reasons to this:
1. The MSN Messenger Service has 'left' the Internet
2. My broadband connection is down again
After much troubleshooting, it was obvious. Everything else was loading correctly, connection to the Internet was as fast as ever. With option 2 down, the Internet's worst fear has dawned upon us - MSN Messenger has left the Internet!
It's amazing how reliant we have become of a simple messaging client - MSN Messenger. Without MSN Messenger, we are ALONE on the Internet.
1. No more seeing friends online
2. No more publishing your status - on what you have been doing
3. No more annoying your friends with Winks / Nudges
4. No more sending files to your friend in real-time
5. No more sharing desktop apps
6. No more games via MSN
7. No more dressing up / accessorizing up your meego and placing it on MSN
8. No more letting your own meego see the world
9. and the list goes on and on and on...
MSN Messenger, dear MSN Messenger, when will thou return to us...
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