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An ox, a man and a bed

First, if you're wondering, what in the world is a picture of a man doing in my blog entry? Don't scared - as my inner chinese self would say - the man is Joey Yap - A feng shui master who likes being called a Feng Shui Youngster coz it apparently makes him sound old :)

Anyway, we had him on the show yesterday and man... it was an eye opening experience. This dude just took a quick look at Fabes' face and immediately he could tell exactly the kind of person he is. I've known Fabes - if my calculations are right, almost 8-9 years already... and if there's anything to know about his personality - I think I'd be the best judge - Joey was right down to the nitty gritty details!

So since Chinese New Year - the year of the Ox is just 2 days away, I decided to pick on some of the things Joey mentioned... and have it passed on to make the Year of the Ox a better one for all... 

South East Sector
This new year, according to Joey has a lot of the positive energy located in the South East sector... which pretty much means this... if you've got a room, stand in the middle of the room, grab a compass and look for the South East section - if there's a window, use that window more often (I don't mean jump out of it). If there's a door, use that door more often. In essence, spend more time at the South East Sector. 

BUT what if you've got no door, nor window? Joey suggests a water feature. If could be a mini fountain or an aquarium with running water (ie. water filter ectc). It is not mandatory to have fishes living inside - although it'd be great to eat up the mosquitos that might be breeding... Just a side note, I HATE MOSQUITOS... they treat me as a buffet spread whenever I get a close encounter...  

Want to get great relationships in the family? No problem. Joey suggests that families and couples should spend more time in the southern area of the home. So if you've got a toilet at that area of the home, get the whole family to join you when you're doing your TANG... :P 

The quarrelsome area of the year of the Ox is located in the North East area - to quarrel less or avoid quarrels, use this area less. Put a plant of something so you'd spend less time there. Instead, spend more time in the North West area of the home which promotes harmony and happiness. 

So there you go, a little feng shui talk for you to equip yourself for the year of the Ox... oh yes, one more thing, was going through some feng shui websites and found this!

A feng shui BED! Jeez... these people can figure out just about anything don't they? :P

Happy Chinese New Year, drive safe, eat loads, be merry and may you have great health, wealth and happiness in the year of the Ox! Kong Xi Fa Chai!


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