Ben's take on gadgets, technology... life

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I won CA$H from a COW!

Woohoo! Monday is here and YES, it's strange to sound so chirpy and happy on a Monday when everyone's pretty much dreading to go to work. Strange true but sometimes it's all about getting yourself psyched up - considering the economy crisis, people being laid off etc. etc... it's good to know that you've got a job to go to on Monday :) So SMILE! 

Then of course, WORK is even GREATER to look forward to when you've got colleagues who would PAY YOU MONEY! Yes! That's exactly what happened. It was last week, Nadia, Fabes & I were listening to some station promos that went on air and Nadia commented saying this particular voice sounded like her BUT it wasn't her. I checked it - the person sounded just like her, Fabes checked it - sounded like her, Amrita our producer checked it - sounded like her - 3 people can't be WRONG! So I went ahead and said it was her.

Nadia was ADAMANT about it... she claimed it was NOT her and it would be impossible for her to not recognize her own voice. So fine, Nadia suggested that we each paid her 50 bucks if we lost the bet - our point of verification - the audio engineer Shah who produced the promo. Fabes and Amrita chickened out but I stood my ground... 

That same evening, I asked Shah and she verified it - IT WAS NADIA! Muahahahha... I was right... and there's this UPLIFTING feeling that I'd be picking up 50 bucks from Nadia... 

Friday came, Nadia denied the claims - stating that it was a completely different promo we were listening to... (she tried to wiggle out of it)... of course I didn't let go - being kiasu - I pushed... and pushed and pushed... the COW...

This morning, the cow fell over after all that pushing and voila... 

50 ringgit in my pocket baby! 

The lesson to be learned is simple - if Ben says betul - itu adalah betul :P hehehhe... feels great!


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