Ben's take on gadgets, technology... life

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The War has begun... (don't worry... lives wouldn't be lost :))

It's the war of a new world! A browser world! In a time long long ago came the Netscape browser where it reigned for a good period of time...

All of a sudden, everything changed when a new competitor came to light - Microsoft! With it's Internet Explorer browser which took the world by storm and world rejoiced. Every computer soon got a copy of Microsoft Internet Explorer installed and it was crawling everywhere... 

Years later, a bunch of programmers decided to create some disturbance and created a free open-source browser called Mozilla Firefox. Because it was open source, it was a community based creation, and so once again, the world rejoiced as there was now choice - no longer locked within the confines of the world of 1 choice... 

It's 2007 and the time has come for another change... Apple, the makers of the infamous iMac, iPod, iBook and everything else "i"... has released for the very first time, their very own browser for the Windows platform. 

It's on BETA - which basically means it's not exactly a complete product however, even with that half-cooked status, it shows GREAT promise. I downloaded a copy from Apple's website -, got it installed and voila! It felt as though a big cut of flesh from Apple land has entered my machine. If you've used a mac before, you'll LOVE it. Everything from boxes to scroll bars are so mac-ish. 

So the final answer is this, who is gonna win? Microsoft? Firefox? Apple? That's for you to decide :)

Besides, it's all FREE! Download it and play... if you hate it, just uninstall it! 


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