Ben's take on gadgets, technology... life

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How I destress...

I discovered something about me lately. Some people destress by eating chocolates or anything sweet. Some go cooking, watch a movie, buy new clothes... you get the idea...

Me? I buy toys... I'm not much of a clothes buyer - sure the occasional one or two but whenever I get stressed I pickup toys! I'm not talking about the fluffy ones but those with electrical diodes soldered onto a board and comes complemented with tonnes of buttons - in short, gadgets.

I always thought it was just one of my crazes but this is official, whenever I'm stressed out, I buy gadgets! Just the other day, I was feeling a little stressed out due to many things and I was on the lookout for a cure... a movie? nah... something to eat? nah... but the moment I picked up something I've been eyeing for sometime now, immediately, I felt light - it was surreal... a sudden rush of cold air and I was STRESS free... :)

The question is what did I buy?

Behold... my new toy that got me destressed :P

Let's hope I don't get stressed up anytime soon man... my therapy is COSTLY!


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