Ben's take on gadgets, technology... life

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When my dogs ATTACK and Nadia’s return…

It was a weekend of torture (well for my car at least – the rest of pretty lovely actually). Anyway, let me just tell you about my car. If you know guys, cars are like our pride and joy. So last weekend, I was driving out for breakfast when something felt amiss, a signal came on my dashboard then the car's display said "rear number plate light faulty"… so I thought it was just a fused bulb or something. Didn't think much of it until I reversed and then AGAIN, my usual reverse sensor sound BLARED through my ears – this time, it was much longer than usual. Something wasn't right.

Still, I had my breakfast and finally got home when I decided to look at my car. This was what I found…

A cable was dangling out of my car's bumper – it's sock was pulled out of place, the protection sleeve around the cable was chewed on, then there were scratches all over my exhaust area, the right side of my rear bumper was 'munched' on… then there it was, traces of HAIR. DOG HAIR! It's either one of my dogs or all of them decided that my car looked like candy (especially AFTER A WASH!!!).

What can I say? Get upset? Pluck their fur? Shave them bold? Paint them pink? I didn't know what to do but immediately pushed away all the anger and headed to the mechanic to at see what the extent of the damage…is

2 hours later and all is good. Mechanic patched it up and apparently this is what he said "your dogs are VERY smart… they didn't chew all the way in, just the bracket only" – PHEW! You have no idea how good that felt… 30 bucks and the problem was solved. Now on to the rest of the bumper… I'll take care of it after the Raya holidays.

Okay, on to something that's less painful – well, it was more torture for someone else :P, Nadia returned to the show after a 2-week holiday and we decided to give her a quick do-up through some "wacky beauty tips" we got from

Beauty tip #1
Use regular toothpaste on pimples and lips. Pimples, to calm it down. Lips, to get it nice and big – apparently makes it more pouty.

Beauty tip #2
Make your hair smell GREAT for a long time. Solution? Spray perfume on it… of course, for Nadia, I just took my perfume and gave her a manly smell :)

The result? Gorgeous.

Okay, that's for today's blog. Got something to say? Drop it by my e-mail –!


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