Ben's take on gadgets, technology... life

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It's amazing what 16,400 ringgit can get people to do!

If you don't know by now, one of the largest contests on the Fly FM Pagi Show where you answer a single trivia called Fly FM Wake Up Your Brain has bloated to a massive 16,400 ringgit cash prize. Everytime someone gets it wrong, it grows by another 100. This has been happening for the longest time - honestly, I've lost track!


Everytime the cue to call comes, the lines get jammed up, only 8th, 9th and 10th callers through will get the golden opportunity to answer the question leaving thousands and thousands waiting behind engaged tones.

So we thought of this idea called the Express Pass where once you've gotten it, there is NO NEED for you to call in. Instead, WE CALL YOU this Flyday during the cue to call giving you a definite chance to pickup the bulk of cash.

To get it, we devised a few challenges. Yesterday, the challenge was "show us what you are willing to do to pickup the pass" - the winner was Jenny who went to a bakery and scared the life out of everyone there by screaming and talking to the buns on display.


Today, the challenge was for anyone who could arrive at Sri Pentas (our studio) with our complete list of breakfast items. Fabes ordered a roti canai with fish curry, nasi lemak bungkus and nescafe tarik. Amrita our producer ordered a roti kaya and a teh tarik. I ordered a nasi lemak bungkus, teh tarik kurang kurang kurang manis and an extra hard boiled egg.

After waiting for a good 25 minutes, SHE ARRIVED!


So congratulations Irene! You just picked up an Express Pass - no more worrying about getting through for Fly FM Wake Up Your Brain - we'll CALL you this Flyday to play. Good news is, there's one more express pass left. Could you be the one? :)


12:10 PM abi said...

Dude! Maybe time to put out that wish list of things you always wanted to buy man :P

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