Ben's take on gadgets, technology... life

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Nose digging is an art - of getting the FLU!

I've been thinking about this for awhile... digging the nose... it's an art... and I couldn't believe my eyes when I saw the HUGE number of nose digging pictures available online - of politicians, celebrities, monkeys, unknown individuals - you name it, the web's got it!

Some people do it soooo well, they become instant celebrities!

So anyway, stop pretending as though it disgusted you - everyone - me, you, my dog, my ex-pet hamster - every living thing has booger of some sort and we've found our ways through nature to relieve us of such 'particles'... :)

Humans as we know use our fingers... yes, some of us have slender ones that can go REALLLLLYYY deep into never never land... some have fat ones... but nonetheless, it's always the finger.

What's the deal?
Why blog about it? You see, for quite sometime now, we've heard SOOOOO much about the H1N1 flu and how we should avoid it etc. I remember reading an article about how humans can contract the flu - whichever strain it is - so long as we touch our mouth, rub eyes (in particular) after touching something that has been exposed to the 'virus' - we would have contracted the virus through our 'exposed' senses? I'm no doctor but I hope you get the idea.

The logic
So the logic is, if you shook the hand of someone who has the flu, touching your eyes or face is a bad idea. Imagine touching the 'virus' and then DIGGING your nose... that's worse - it's like jabbing the virus straight into your skull!

The lesson
The lesson? Do not dig your nose if you've been out for a prolonged period of time. The virus could be anywhere - the escalator, the lift buttons, the rails, your friend's hand, your phone... you get the idea :)

The final art
Wash your hands right before you attempt the art of 'digging' to be safe... enjoy the diggathon!


6:46 PM Fiona said...

Wah first time read a pose about digging nose! Hmm okay thats something new...

1:11 PM Anonymous said...

yes ocd

"thou shalt not share bodily fluids with ppl other than wifey"

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