Ben's take on gadgets, technology... life

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Brand new station in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia

I've been travelling up and down between Singapore and Malaysia; so much so that I have lost track of the developments in Malaysia.

I was helping Stella to shower the 4 pups when Stella turned on the radio. It sounded pretty good. Latest hits non-stop, back-to-back and strangely - no ads. At first, I thought it was one of those Live365 stations which I subscribed to and Stella was just broadcasting the music from a nearby notebook using an FM Transmitter.

After showering the pups, I took a peek at the station's frequency and it showed "95.8FM". It wasn't one of the presets on the FM Transmitter so it couldn't have been broadcasting from the notebook.

Later, the radio station's ID was played and it mentioned "Sky FM". After much research on the Internet, I found that the station was operated by KLIA (Kuala Lumpur International Airport) and it is one of KLIA's efforts in becoming a world class airport by offering one of a kind services - in this case, being the first airport in the world to operate it's own radio station.

If you live within the vicinity of Kuala Lumpur, do tune in - 95.8FM. ZERO ads... finally... or at least for now :)


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