Ben's take on gadgets, technology... life

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iPod wins... truly...

I'm an Apple fan... just fan - not fanatic yet but I can imagine myself getting there someday... especially after reading Steve Job's Unauthorized Autobiography called iCon...

Which, in my opinion is possibly the best read I've had in years - then again, I don't read much :) apart from mags... but truly, this is really an eye-opening read. One of those things you should get yourself into if you're truly a techno-fanatic. It digs deep into Steve Job's life, revealing things that are not generally available to public and showing you how this man came about and most importantly, how he got sacked from his own company and made a tremendous comeback with the powers of Pixar Studios - one of the very first companies that gave you the 3D cartoon animation we see today.

Once you've read the book, you'll feel as though you've got to own every Mac product made today... and be inspired by the hard work that had been put into it. Originally, I thought this book would make me hate the Apple world as it was 'unauthorized' and it stirred up quite a bit of the Mac community so much so that it was banned from the shelves of all Apple Stores! - a directive that apparently came from Steve Jobs himself.

Anyway, that said, the whole idea of this entry is to proclaim the iPod wins my heart once more. I had an iPod Mini, iPod Nano, iPod Video and then a couple of months back, I told myself that IT'S OVER. I've had enough of the iPod and I'm sick of their monopoly! The solution? Sold my iPod Video and got myself Sony's Noise Canceling Mp3 Player - supposedly the first of it's kind in the world!

It's a really REALLY nice gadget - it came with everything you'd want in an Mp3 player, stylish tube-like design, a small colour screen that would show album art and relevant song information, built-in radio, line-in recording capability, battery life of up to 50 hours and the list just goes on... BUT one thing somehow didn't cut it... there was something missing - it was the iPod factor... which is quite difficult to describe...

The best description of this feeling would be iPod's ability to assimilate aesthetics, design, user-interface, ease-of-use and put it into a HOT, COOL looking package.

It was obvious that I began to miss the iPod... so a couple of days back, I bought myself an iPod Video and all I can say is - IT'S GOOD TO BE BACK.

Congratulations Apple, you've won the best Mp3 player award - well in my hall of fame anyway...


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