Ben's take on gadgets, technology... life

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Woohoo! found another freebie! - Joiku

There are a few things in this world that really excites me - free and FREE and FREEEE and FREEEEE... Who doesn't like free stuff? It was with this in mind where I scoured the web for gold and found Joiku.

For the uninitiated, don't worry, it's not an extraterrestrial with 12 ears and big bulging eyes, neither is it the name of superman's pet alien. It's a software. Something which you can install into your mobile phone and out comes a SUPER POWER - WiFi Access Point wherever you go!

How does it affect you? Well, if you've got (somehow in a magical manner) an unlimited data line where you can surf the internet all you want on your mobile phone - you'll love this. Let me repeat, ONLY IF YOU HAVE AN UNLIMITED DATA LINE do you use this - otherwise you'll be paying through your nose, ear hole and whatever hole you've got on your body. 

If you don't have unlimited data service, this service varies from telco to telco. Some offering the service from as low as 66 ringgit per month. 

So if you've got it, GOOD ON YOU! Now, here's how you can unleash the power of your mobile phone with Joiku. 
Have the software installed and immediately the sofware will turn your mobile phone into a wireless access point (or you may call it wireless modem) where you can connect to and surf from whatever wireless device you may have! May it be a notebook, a PDA, an iPod touch... from WHEREVER - so long as you've got cellular coverage and mobile juice (battery life). 

The possibilities are literally endless... need to find an access point? No worries, take out your phone, start Joiku and VOILA!

Okay, here's the part where I say "with every free thing comes a price" - an oxymoron nonetheless... what does this mean to you? Sure, you can use Joiku for free - infact for an unlimited number of times with unlimited surfing time... so what's the catch? You can't use Joiku to surf to secure websites - or in layman terms sites with "https" - in front of the URL. That means no Gmail, no FaceBook, no banking sites... NADA... but of course there's still the other 90% of the internet which does not use "https" - one of which is 

Here's where Joiku releases a premium version of the product where you've got to pay around 15 EUROS (after a massive discount on their site). At that one time nominal price, you unleash the MAXIMUM potential of Joiku - surf at high speeds, no more restrictions - any website, anytime, anywhere... COMPLETE mobility... 

Honestly, I think it's a steal. It's usual price is around 25 EUROS. Check it out and download for free at!

As captain planet would say - "The power is YOURS"... :)


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