Ben's take on gadgets, technology... life

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A cheap gastronomic experience!

Okay... gastronomic but not exactly cheap. It's been sometime since we visited the lovely Sunway Lagoon Resort Hotel. Since we joined the Absolute Club by Sunway Resort Hotels, we were given a host of interesting priviledges, ranging from cheaper hotel stays to 1/2 priced meals in the any of the resort's many restaurants. Okay... now I sound like I'm promoting them.

Back to where I was... yes, it has been sometime and we felt that it would be nice to exercise those priviledges. We arrived at the hotel at approximately 7+, sat in the restaurant and before we even got seated properly, our kiasu selves (Stella and I) decided to move straight to the buffet spread.

Eat we did.. and plenty too.

At the end of the dinner, we decided to have a take-away for my sis who's studying at home. The take-away was for a pack of Hainanese Chicken Rice ... and not the usual one anyone would expect. The rest of the pictures explains it all..

The buffet spread... not bad. Huge array of appetizers, oysters, prawns, ginseng soup, cuts of both beef and lamb, fish, vege and loads more... ooh I must not forget the pretty nice spread of desserts... from ice-kacang to assorted pastries...


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