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When stress goes beyond stress

I am EXTREMELY stressed up. This is not a normal stress, this is a higher level stress, higher than anything that I have ever experienced before. To be really honest, I'm not sure if its stress or is it just pure anxiety.

The issues...
  1. Assignments after assignments after assignments. Well, these are not the usual assignments. I'm in the Business in IT major and because its my final semester before I graduate, I have done all my core units. All I have now are electives. As I'm in Monash Malaysia, my elective options are not as many as some of my friends in the Australian campuses. The result? It's either accounting, management, law or marketing

    Personally, I don't like accounting, then I'm told that Law is super difficult, the options left? Marketing and Management! Being a Business IT Major, most of my assignments in the past were mostly research on IT related issues, working with the database, playing with some programming languages or meddling with websites - I love these stuff. Then comes Management and Marketing. Management can be boring... assignments are mainly theories related along with super long essays to write. Marketing is similar but in my opinion is more interesting.

    To sum it up, this semester is 1 IT unit (yes! I managed to get one elective on IT), 2 Marketing Units and 1 Management Unit. All these translates to loads and loads of lengthy essays. To make matters a teeny bit more stressful - SUPER TIGHT datelines. Imagine, I've got 3 assignments all due in the same week! Each essay averages out at about 1500-2000 words. That's approximately 5000 words in 1 week! (+/-) - let's not even start talking about the time it would take to do the research along with the proper citations and referencing.

    So there... assignment stress.

  2. Another issue is my graduation; granted that I go through and pass all the examinations this semester. It's not like I am a bad student; its just that I am stressed. It's the expectations you get from your peers, your parents, your friends... its a whole load of stuff. Questions come in like "what if?" and "what then?" ... its really scarry.

  3. Then comes another factor. This semester, if the temporary exam timetable is correct (yes, it's out - Monash releases a copy to the staff very early during the semester). My 1st paper begins early June and approximately a week later, it is followed by 3 consecutive papers running one day after another. That would mean literally no breaks in between. It's just constant reading and memorization and papers for 3 consecutive days.

So there, a short summary of how I'm feeling. It's really scarry. I'm feeling really stressed but I did catch a movie earlier this evening and I feel loads better. Now that I have let it all out, I feel much better. It doesn't look that bad after all does it?

The following lines from the Bible ALWAYS give me peace...

Proverbs 3:5-6

Trust in the Lord with all your heart. In all ways acknowledge Him. Lean not in your own understanding and He will make your paths straight.


10:41 PM Anonymous said...

Good to know that you still remember your favourite Bible Verse. Very interesting blog and i am truly impressed.

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