Ben's take on gadgets, technology... life

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Going double...

My first attempt into blogging was through

Since young, I wasn't really fascinated by the world of writing a daily journal, let alone blog on the internet.

A couple of years later, I found my self registering for another online blog service called theSpoke.NET created by Microsoft to create a blogging community among students and Microsoft enthusiasts.

One after another, the blogging followed. So much so that I completely forgot about

Today, I was going through my blog at theSpoke.NET and all of a sudden I was struck by the thought of having a short URL for my blog.

The issue was that everytime I am to refer a friend to my blog, I will have to provide them with an extremely long address :

I thought to myself that it would be great to have something like

Immediately, the URL which I reserved many years ago came to mind. I logged on, and true enough the account was still there.

It's official. I'm going double. I love the interface and the features which provides and at the same time I would also like to be within the theSpoke.NET community, I'll be blogging at both places.

Although most of the content would be duplicated, there would be some posting (such as this one) which would be unique to each blogging site.


10:57 PM Donkey Patrol said...

Speaking of Unique Blogging site, POW!!


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