Ben's take on gadgets, technology... life

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Episode II - The Return of the Restarter...

The title tells one thing. I have not been spared by the Star Wars craze.

That said, this post has nothing to do with Star Wars but my phone. The incessant restarting phone. This I shall say is the second installment of my story - a sequel to episode I.

In a galaxy far far away...
Ben finally purchased the docking station / data cable which would allow him to upgrade his Sony Ericsson S700i's firmware. After a successful firmware upgrade using the newly purchasing docking station, Ben finally thought, it was all over - the incessant restarting phone will finally turn into a perfect communication device - a gadget worth every cent and worth every effort made to have it fixed.

1 week later...
The phone has been doing pretty well. No restarts, as a matter of fact, due to the firmware upgrade there were a number welcoming improvements.

Then it started all over again. The phone restarts. I couldn't believe my eyes! After all that effort, and forking out over RM200 for a docking station, the phone still restarts! I was beginning to lose faith in the phone. Immediately, a call was made to Sony Ericsson's Service Centre, from there, I spoke to a senior officer and had my problem related to him.

The solution?
Has yet to be found. I shall now wait patiently for something "GREAT" to happen. As Master Yoda would say, "patience it is, my young padewan".

Keep an eye on this post. I'll update the moment I get a "GREAT" response :)


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