Ben's take on gadgets, technology... life

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Good spankin' morning Malaysia!

Good spanking morning Malaysia! It's 10:48pm and I'm all pumped up and ready for a change.

No, I'm not going for some plastic surgery or anything like that. My change, although physical has nothing to do with knives. It will take sometime, but I'm sure it will pay off.

For the past couple of months, I have been binging like some crazy monkey locked up in a cage with tons and tons of bananas. So there, I've been putting on weight and it's obvious. Many people that I have met from my family members, to relatives to friends have claimed that I have put on weight. Some just say "Ben, did you grow bigger?" - just to be nice or some would be straight off blunt and go "Ben, did you put on SOME weight?". Just like good ole' pumba from the Lion King, I'm a sensitive soul BUT I shall do something about it.

I trust that I have put on at least 5kgs during the past couple of months so today, I'm going to gear up, return to my beloved gym - Fitness First and lose those unwanted kgs...

Personally, this gym thing and this weight thing isn't all about being vain, wanting to look good or something like that; of course, that's partially the case but mostly, it's the health benefits that come with it. Imagine this, I used to be able to walk up flights of stairs without breaking a sweat. Today, you'll see me panting all the way up. That does explain something doesn't it?

So there, in front of all you nice people who have been reading my blog, I shall vow to have
  1. NO MORE sugary drinks (soda's in particular)
  2. NO MORE fattening foods
  3. to hit the gym at least 5 times a week
  4. to enrol myself into a proper gym program

Bring on the GYM!


6:22 PM soojc said...

so we ain't going out for dessert anymore?

8:42 PM Ben said...

Haha... :) Maybe once a week.

10:40 PM Anonymous said...

muahaha.. u sure u can do it?

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