Ben's take on gadgets, technology... life

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Introducing... AYAM...

You see, in Fly FM, there's a lot of love... and once in yellow moon, we get a new brother... his name - AYAM!

In case you don't know who ayam is, he's a production of Jules and Prem from Fly FM's Rush Hour - yes, the very same people you listen to from 4-8pm on weekdays. Why a chicken? I can't tell... why is it featherless? I don't know...

So anyway, today, Ayam joined us for a meeting for the very first time... He was very equipped, had a pink phone (no one knows why pink), a notepad which and a pen.

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When everyone (Adam, Hunny) was deep in thoughts... ayam looked on... staring at me...
or perhaps the wall... or maybe he was just staring...

Then while Jules and Prem went out for a bit, Hunny and Nadia became his babysitter.

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Again, Ayam was staring at me... while the other two got mesmerized by some imaginary object...

Lunch came... and he ate... rice with heap loads of chilli flakes... here you see Prem feeding his baby...

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and he ate... (btw, that's a plate of unagi) - chicken is a 'fishetarian'

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Awww... like father like chicken...

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Isn't that love? :) Keep the comments rolling in!


9:28 PM Unknown said...

u guys gila already!!

9:29 PM Ben said...

It's called love bro... LOVE... :)

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