Ben's take on gadgets, technology... life

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The dream of sequels...

Yay! It's a public holiday. The day is ALL MINE! I woke up during the wee hours of the morning (approximately 8:00am) and was planning to fetch Stella to work and wait till she finishes. The issue was that if I were to go, I will have to sit and wait for her at Starbucks for a good 6 hours.

Spend 6 hours in Starbucks? Instead, I decided to call it off and headed for the good ole' tele. Watched some cartoons, had some cereals and headed straight for the bed.

I decided to sleep till about 12. Woke up just as planned but the dream which I had during that couple hours of sleep didn't seem to finish. I set the alarm for another 1 hour and the dream continued. An hour later, I woke and again, it didn't seem like my dream had ended. Again, I extended for another hour.

It felt as though I was watching some addictive chinese serials. Everytime I slept, it felt like I watched another serial... it was a marathon. The marathon continued till about 2:30pm.

If you were to ask me what was the 'serial' all about? My answer - I cannot remember :)

It may not be productive but I sure had plenty of sleep and 'serial watching'... a perfect way to spend a public holiday... next stop? Straight to town to (maybe) pickup a gadget and head towards KLCC for a movie.

What a beautiful way to spend a public holiday eh?


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