Ben's take on gadgets, technology... life

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The loss of a beloved gadget... and another gastronomic experience...

It's April 14th (2 days ago from today's posting date). There were no more classes left to attend for the day. Stella and I were getting ready to leave the campus but the very heavy rain stopped us.

Since we parked our car, approximately 200-300 meters away from campus, running under the rain - towards the car wouldn't be a good idea.

Instead, we left for the main entrance and was hoping to find someone who is passing by or is willing to run to their car parked within the campus and give us a lift to where we parked the car.

We met a friend by the name of Hui Wen. Since it was raining, she wasn't ready to get wet and so, she was stuck within the covered area. Her car was parked merely, 20-30 meters away (she managed to get a carpark within the campus - still uncovered though). I gave her a deal and offered to make a quick run to her car and have it driven to the porch where she is, in return, she will have to drive Stella and I to our car parked outside the campus. She agreed and there I went.

It was a short run, I stepped through puddles of water, rushed towards the car and got myself in the warm and dry environment of the car within minutes.

I drove her car to the porch, Stella and Hui Wen entered and we left for the location where Stella and I left our car.

We finally got into the car and left for dinner followed by a movie at Sunway Pyramid. On the way there, I felt a little uneasy. That tingling feeling as though you have left something behind. True enough, my bluetooth handsfree was gone. The few possibilities were that :
  1. I dropped it while running towards Hui Wen's car
  2. I dropped it in Hui Wen's car
  3. I dropped it while switching between the two cars

After much searching and making a few calls, it was confirmed that my beloved bluetooth handsfree was gone.

Well, my handsfree is gone but the entertainment and food must continue. So away we drove and as we were arriving at Sunway Pyramid, I caught this picture of a security guard controlling the traffic flow.

I'll let the rest of the pictures speak for itself :)

Woo... reminds me of a scene from the "Scarry Movie"

The infamous Kim Gary Restaurant...


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