Ben's take on gadgets, technology... life

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It's Cheng Ming season!

It's the Cheng Ming celebration season. This is when the Chinese pay their respects to their ancestors by praying and bringing along food which the ancestors used to like.

This is also the time when relatives from all over the country come together in one place creating once again the feeling of togetherness as a family that seems to be fading away due to today's modern culture.

The day began for me at 5:15am - we are late! Alarm rang a number of times but Stella and I for some reason, ignored it and continued sleeping - we were eventually woken up by the sound of our dog's nails scratching the floor (she was probably trying to alert us - or she was just itchy.)

6am. Both Stella and I was prepared. We headed towards my grandma's place to pick her up and proceed to the first of the two stops - one in the heart of KL and the other in Nilai.

The KL one is where my great-grand parents are located and the Nilai one is where my grandfather (my dad's side) is located.

Following the phrase that "pictures speaks a thousand words" - I'll let the rest of the pictures posted here speak for itself...

1st stop, my great-grand parent's cemetry. This building is where the urns of the demised ashes are stored. Each floor contains hundreds of urns, each stored in their individual cubicles.


3:58 PM Anonymous said...

You are christian, right? But u burned that kind of "stuff"??

4:22 PM Ben said...

Christianity is a relationship with God. It is a belief, a trust and in my opinion, a walk...

To those who believe, such burnings may mean something and to those who don't, the burnings would mean another. It's all about perception. It's all about belief.

The part of the 'burning' here, in my opinion is just an action, whether the action holds a meaning, it depends entirely on the individual...

Just for the record, it wasn't me who was doing the burning. I was taking the pictures. It would be almost impossible to burn stuff and take pictures.. its super HOT near there! :)

Thanks for the comment anyway. I appreciate such comments. It makes me feel like my blog is reaching people out there :)

2:01 PM Anonymous said...

:) I am also a christian.... Knowing that u have lot of assignment to do, here wishing u the best.... God bless!!!

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