Ben's take on gadgets, technology... life

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A Saturday of sleeping marathon followed by a dinner + movie

It's Saturday (sorry, should have posted this yesterday). All I did was wake up pretty early to send Stella to work, went to a nearby nasi-lemak store and picked up some nasi-lemak and headed for home.

Ate we did and sleep I did... For some reason I was simply too tired. Instead on working on a presentation which is due on Monday, I continued sleeping... and sleeping... and sleeping... practically the entire day.

Woke up later in the evening to pick-up Stella from work (yes I think I slept for another 6 hours or so). It has been a busy busy week, so I decided to go watch a movie - for the plain idea of relaxation. 2 hours later, it was dinner with Soo Jin and friends followed by a movie - "the Pacifier" - GREAT MOVIE.. :)

I'll let the rest of the pictures speak for itself :)

Dinner at Laksa Shack was lovely... 3/4 dishes there were for Stella and I... the balance was Soo Jin's :) - Yes, we are hungry people...


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