Ben's take on gadgets, technology... life

AvatarWhen memory is placed online, it's for LIFE

My blog's finally DIGG enabled!

If you don't know what Digg's about - it's more of a social bookmarking service which allows people from all over the world 'digg' certain sites - may it be specific blog sites, entries, news pieces, articles - just whatever which one thinks is worth spreading to the rest of the community.


So if you see an article you read on my blog that's interesting and you think it's worthy of being shared with the rest of the world, pleaseeee DIGG it :) Contribute the world, make yourself feel good as you've done something good... one of those feelings that money can't buy :P Okay fine, this is sounding like a bribe already...

Just look out for the "Digg" button after every post - it'll look something like this...


Just a quick note of thank you to for giving a quick insight on the Digg integration.


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