Ben's take on gadgets, technology... life

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A weekend of giant cats, balls, flour and toilet faces...

So here's my weekend in a nutshell... it was Cleo's Bachelor Finals - congratulations Henry ole' chap - he was crowned Cleo's Most Eligible Bachelor of 2009... since the place was artsy fartsy, I went ahead and started taking pictures using my camera phone...

Is that artsy or is that artsy? :) It's amazing what camera phones can do nowadays... then the weekend came and I went to Melaka to host an event for MMU Melaka the land of chicken rice BALLS... but of course, no visit to Melaka would be complete without the balls...

Oh by the way, in case you decide to checkout the Chicken Rice Ball stalls at Jonker Street - you'd notice 2 prominent ones. One at the end of the road (corner stall) and one that looks fancy smancy... go for the one at the end of the road - it's BETTER... in my honest opinion...

Then Sunday came, drove all the way back to KL to checkout BSRA-NST Streets Family Day 2009 at SMK Bandar Sunway...

some had flour all over them...

Hunny and I decided to do something less 'floury', played with 'words' and checked out a pussycat instead...

Then today came (Monday)... I arrived at the studio and everyone had strange faces - it looked as though they needed to go to the loo for a BIG one (you know what I mean...)

Here's Fabes... who looks like he's got a beak

Nadia who looks like she's got something REALLY BIG coming out of somewhere...

Amrita our producer who looked like she was replaying Beethoven in her mind to loosen her bowels...

So there you go... more updates soon.... comment comment comment away... I'll try my best to reply! :)


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