Ben's take on gadgets, technology... life

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What causes a man to 'tear'...

Yes I'm a man and on the contrary, some people believe men should not shed a tear... so here's a test... it's not a pepper test, I'm not going to jab your eyes with my finger, I'm not going to pluck every strand of your leg, underarm, head hair one-by-one... I'll just show you two videos. 

Simon Cowell, a judge who is known for his vicious, tactless remarks has another show apart from American Idol called Britain's Got Talent... if you've been following my blog, you would've have watched this... Paul Potts...

And then, Just 6 days ago, 11th April 2009 - this happened...
(Sorry, Youtube disabled embedding for this video)

So did you tear? :) Come on, be honest... :P 


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